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Fight viruses successfully and naturally (Part 5)

Anti-pathogen cleansing

(no starvation diet, eat as much as you want!)

Hurray, spring is here! It brings us the warming sun and happy bird-twittering, which have been proven to brighten our spirits.

Spring-time is also the ideal time for fasting or cleansing cures. This is the only way to drain the toxins as well as viruses and other germs from your liver and other organs that have inevitably accumulated throughout the years.



antiviral, antibacterial, kills parasites and worms, anti-inflammatory, healing intestines, healing skin etc.


Purification and detox are not just trendy and fashionable.

Without detoxifying regularly, it is almost impossible to be healthy nowadays with the enormous strain of viruses, heavy metals and toxins.

This is also one of the reasons why athletic and apparently healthy people suddenly become seriously ill. But be on your guard - a lot of less reasonable offers take advantage of this trend. There are several efficient cleansing regimens and all of them have the advantage of decimating germs. The anti-pathogen cleaning is easy and gives the blood, lymph and digestive tract a "reset". This cleaning is a sensible prevention, but also works supportively in acute infections.



After getting up, drink at least 4dl (2dl to get used to it, then increase) freshly juicified, pure organic celery stalk juice and then do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes. Avoid caffeine, fatty foods, and alcohol until at least noon, otherwise the liver can not detoxify.

Avoid unsuitable foods, however it is not a ban. You take your own decision to go without them for the duration of the cure. Choose the level (see below) of the foods you want to avoid yourself. The higher the level, the faster and more effective the cleaning.

Drink at least 1 liter of still water during the day, between meals (if possible purified or with a dash of lemon)


At least 2 weeks, better 28 days, can be extended as required.


Celery juice accelerates the flushing out of old food residues. It also kills viruses & bacteria, detoxifies and builds up the intestinal lining. It is the most strongest healing juice ever.

Harmful foods do not leave the body immediately and more importantly they leave behind toxic residues.

Dairy products stay in the blood and lymph for a long time and form sticky residue on the walls of the small and large intestines. If dairy products are discontinued, it can take up to 13 days to be excreted. With gluten, it takes up to 11 days and with eggs up to 9 days for excretion.

This means that the residues of these foods, which accumulate in the liver, are unfortunately not excreted. It takes at least 90 days there!


Unsuitable foods

(levels 1-5, sorted by importance, lower levels include the upper levels)

Why is it important to avoid these foods for at least the duration of the cleanse?

  • The liver is heavily burdened with fatty food and is then unable to detoxify.

  • Many of these foods thicken the blood because of their fat content. As a result, toxins cannot be eliminated, remain in the blood or get back into the organs.

  • Some foods have a drying effect, which also thickens the blood even more and sabotages the detoxification process.

  • Thick blood contains less oxygen. But this is extremely important for performance, metabolism and immune defense.

  • These foods listed below also contain a lot of toxins. Detoxing and adding toxins at the same time makes very little sense.

  • Many of these foods are a source of nutrition for viruses and bacteria.

This cleaning can only be really effective if the above foods are avoided as much as possible. It is just as important to consume as little fat as possible, but instead a lot of fruit, fresh vegetables and herbs.

Level 1

Avoid eggs, dairy products, gluten (all cereals and dishes containing gluten), sweet drinks and less salt

Level 2

Avoid pork, poultry, tuna and corn

Level 3

Avoid industrially produced edible oils (thistle-, corn-, palm-, rapeseed-, soy oil etc.), soy, lamb, fish and seafood (except salmon, trout and sardines)

Level 4

Avoid vinegar (also apple cider vinegar), fermented foods (also sauerkraut, kombucha), caffeine (coffee, matcha, black tea, green tea, chocolate etc.)

Level 5

Avoid all grains (except millet, gluten-free oat flakes), all oils and fats (including healthy ones), nut creams, only very few nuts


(for even better results)

Avoid salt and spice mixtures, alcohol, artificial and natural flavors, yeast, industrially produced citric acid, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, glutamate, formaldehyde (in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, carpets), preservatives


This is the last blog on fighting viruses. I would like to remind you once again that the next mutations or new viruses will come soon. The long-term effects of virus infections are also dangerous. Vaccinations are not a long-term, sustainable measure and the news of vaccine damage is increasing.

With my recommendations you can adjust your immune system so that viruses no longer pose a threat. That feels like real freedom!


Stay healthy and enjoy the warming sun on your walks. Now (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.) your body can build up enough vitamin D again from the sun's rays if you keep enough bare skin in the sun.

Please send this blog to your friends too - this way we can fight viruses together.



Jürg Bigler accepts no liability for the correctness of the content of this website. Recommendations and advice from Jürg Bigler in no way replace a medical diagnosis and treatment. At no time does Jürg Bigler make any healing promises.


The copyrights and all other rights to images and texts on this website belong exclusively to Jürg Bigler. Written consent from the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of the elements.

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